How would you and a few friends like to study Torah in an intimate and cozy chavurah (group of friends)? Find three or four people and we can study together. We can listen to the silenced female voices of the Torah, as we study from the recently published A Women’s Commentary of the Torah. We might discuss and debate the wisdom of “Pirkei Avot” (Sayings of our Fathers”). We can delve into the minds of the great Jewish thinkers of Modern Jewish Thought: Leo Baeck, Martin Buber, Mordecai Kaplan, Abraham Joshua Heschel, Hermann Cohen and Franz Rosenzweig. Have you tried to learn to read Hebrew at least three times? I provide a six week course (once a week) which will enable you to read Hebrew! Rotate houses–or not; provide a warm, safe place for those who wish to study and learn together. This is a wonderful opportunity for those who are unaffiliated to study and learn in a private setting. Ask me about other subjects which you would like to study… I’m open…